Category: Updates
Against all odds: playing El Gordo
El Gordo or the Fat One, is Spain’s big lottery held at various times throughout the year.
You’re going to confront it eventually – Spanish bureaucracy
The hassle of dealing with a government functionary in a language I’m not familiar with…
Bicycling in the Valencian countryside
The subject of my images are typically everyday objects. I’m intrigued by such sights as the structures in the middle of the rotondas (roundabouts) as one enters the town.
Using a “Gestor” in Spain and why go with the professionals
Ascribing to the aphorism “act in haste; repent at leisure,” I’m not a fan of throwing money at a problem.
Having lived in Spain for three years, why don’t I speak Spanish better?
I’m a visual learner. Hearing it pronounced isn’t how I said it in my head while reading it.
Embracing the Golden Years: Retiring in Spain
Age is creeping up on me. I try to stay active and being in Spain certainly helps with that goal. But at some point, I’m going to need some help.
Getting Here Is Half The Fun: Your New Life In Valencia
After arriving, there are a myriad of decisions that still need to be made. Habits you took for granted now have to be redone, relearned.
Suddenly, just like that, I’m an empty nester
On Father’s Day in Spain, my son returned to the U.S. His mom is accompanying him so I’m left in Valencia – alone. Well, with the cats anyway.
Traveling in a civilized – and environmentally responsible manner
A recent trip to Barcelona by Renfe got me thinking anew about how high-speed trains would work in Texas.